
Retail & Mixed Use
The Wests Bulldogs Rugby Union Club saw an opportunity to redevelop its facilities based on their strong membership. The scheme developed by the team included more than just the clubhouse. The feasibility modelling showed strong returns from the inclusion of commercial and retail uses.
DMA Partners was appointed to manage the project from early concept design through development approvals, valuation, finance and delivery, and management of the tenancy fit outs during 2016 prior to the commencement of the 2017 playing season. The final asset included new club facilities and main field, several allied health and fitness tenancies, and a coffee shop. This provided much needed income stream for the club and has been a model that DMA has worked with a number of other clubs since the successful completion of Wests.
Since delivery of the project in 2017, the club has grown significantly in play and social membership and an increase in food & beverage revenue over the first 12 months of trade. DMA Partners is incredibly proud to have been involved with the project and the positive impact it has had on the local community.
“We have already had enquiries from other clubs about what we have created and they too are interested in taking the step towards developing their facilities. This is great news because we are glad to have set somewhat of a benchmark for clubs and hope to inspire them to develop their facilities and, in turn, develop the game of rugby for Queensland”
Graham Brown
Wests Bulldogs Rugby Club